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Shifting your Money Mindset with Danny J. and Leysa Carrillo
TOMORROW NIGHT is Elizabeth Faye's FREE Life Changing Wealth Experience. It's all happening November 1st @ 7pm MST. Click here to register! Join Elizabeth for an evening of magic where I am your tour guide through the energetics behind your WEALTH. This for Hairstylists & Salon Owners who are ready to tap into more POWER, more PLAY and more PROFITS in your business. We are so excited to bring you another episode recorded at Hair Love Retreat 2022 just a few weeks ago! This week, the lovely ladies Danny J and Leysa Carrillo talk about how they have learned how to shift their mindset when it comes to 💸money, recognizing your worth, and designing a life you deserve! Big thank you to Redken for making this magic possible! Click here to check out all of there amazing products.