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Simon Brown - The Realities of Selling your Recruitment Business
Podcast Partners - Claim your exclusive savings with the links below.Vincere - https://bit.ly/3C8uHfvSourcebreaker - https://hubs.la/Q017bVC70-----....-------------------- the episode on Youtube 🎥 - -----------------------------------------Join us in this episode as Simon Brown, founder of Digital 51 and now the Managing Director of Digital Gurus.He took us through his journey of having his recruitment business acquired by the Rethink Group.If you have any aspirations to exit your recruitment business then this podcast is for you.Connect with the Simon here - https://www.linkedin.com/in/si....mon-brown-47392a9/-- out how Recruitment Mentors can accelerate the performance of your recruitment teams with modern and engaging online learning delivered by current high performing recruitment professionals 🚀https://www.recruitmentmentors.....com/--------------- hope you enjoyed the episode, the best place to connect with me is on Linkedin - Hishem AzzouzIf you would love me to cover certain topics with future guests please drop me a message.Finally, if you have been enjoying the podcast and you have two minutes then it would be greatly appreciated if you could leave a review.You can do so with this link - Support the podcast and leave a review here.