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Sneaky Cobra Tires; Small to Big Engines; Manual Swap Ferrari; Q&A
Zack tricks his dad into some tires; we discuss the biggest range of engines you can get in a single model of car; Matt's new building might have cooler cars than the old one; the Polaris slingshot is getting a second try; and we answer Patreon questions about: Is it "cheap" or simple to manual swap a Ferrari? Which of our automotive opinions has changed in the last five years Why turning of TCS is a bad idea From Miata to CX90 E36 vs new GR86 Our thoughts on the BMW Neue Klasse concept Top 3 cat breeds The best seats for under $100k The Meyers Manx And more! Recorded September 6, 2023 Watch the ISF Review: https://youtu.be/UcdBjS7GmMw?si=gvrdieQQG6rVVCDy Head to factormeals.com/tire50 and use code tire50 to get 50% off. Download the Gametime app, create an account, and use code SMOKINGTIRE for $20 off your first purchase. Terms apply. Go to PrizePicks.com/TIRE and use code TIRE for a first deposit match up to $100! Want your question answered? To listen to the episode the day it's recorded? Want to watch the live stream, get ad-free podcasts, or exclusive podcasts? Join our Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/thesmokingtirepodcast Tweet at us!https://www.Twitter.com/thesmokingtirehttps://www.Twitter.com/zackklapman Instagram:https://www.Instagram.com/thesmokingtirehttps://www.Instagram.com/therealzackklapman Click here for the most honest car reviews out there: https://www.youtube.com/thesmokingtire