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Sometimes your song is buried in a big pile of grief with Metha Vasquez
Ask yourself, what would you do if your mom was murdered just you as you were getting started as a young adult? It’s one thing to lose a parent, but it's something quite different to lose them tragically way before their time. Metha’s journey was not linear. She didn’t just grieve and move forward. Quite to the contrary. From the exterior, she was able to pick up the pieces and create a very successful life – great career, MBA, strong marriage, incredible kids, all the stuff we work so hard to achieve. But Metha parked the pain in the back of her mind for much of her life only to have it show up when she decided to leave corporate to pursue work that was more rewarding. And that’s where Metha’s story comes to life. When she confronted the grief from many years ago so that she could live life on her terms.