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Speed date your contracts with Verity White
Do you have the right contracts in place for your business?<br/><br/>Verity White has created the concept of 'speed dating your contracts' because contracts really are all about relationships! <br/><br/>In this episode, Verity White is going to make you re think your contracts and hopefully help you make them more approachable! <br/><br/>She maps out a few different types of contracts you may need in place:Structural contractsAdministrative contractsRevenue generatingSupplier AgreementsMarketing and Promo Contracts<br/>And when you should think about whether you can template it, or when you might need some professional help:<br/><br/>Frequency of use of the contract<br/>How important are the contracts<br/><br/>You can reach Verity using any of these links and she has gifted us a freebie! Verity White is an Accredited Specialist in Commercial Law and the Legal Director at Checklist Legal, a B Corp certified law firm, that specialises in human-centered contract operations.Verity is the author of Create Contracts Clients Love and an Honorary Senior Fellow at the University of Melbourne where she taught Contract Design for Automation .Connect with Verity on LinkedIn and Instagram for more details on her current projects.Contract Priority Mapper > https://www.createcontractscli....entslove.com/contrac MY CONTENT PLANNER - https://becchappell.com.au/content-planner/<br/><br/>Instagram @bec_chappell<br/>LinkedIn – Bec Chappell <br/>If you're ready to work together, I'm ready to work with you and your team.<br/><br/>How to work with me:<br/>1. Marketing foundations and strategy consultation <br/>2. Marketing Coaching/ Whispering for you a marketing leader or your team who you want to develop into marketing leaders<br/>3. Book me as a speaker or advisor for your organisation<br/>4. Get me on your podcast<br/><br/>This podcast has been produced and edited by Snappystreet Creative