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Strengthen Customer Relationships to Revolutionize Your Business with Mostafa Husseini
Is your marketing plan working? Through customer retention and follow-ups, you could increase profitability and get more referrals.Our guest today is Mostafa Husseini, the founder of Persyo Marketing which helps businesses grow and scale into high six and seven figures along with coaching and training their clients. He's very passionate about teaching people in coming up with a simple and effective marketing plan. He started a call center specializing in follow-ups, customer retention, and referrals. Tune in as Mostafa shares powerful tips for establishing and nurturing customer relationships by doing an effective follow-up to revolutionize your business and increase profitability. He talks about the importance of not ignoring your existing list of customers and prospects, instead extracting and making use of the most out of it to book more appointments and get referrals. He shares some tips on how to effectively communicate and display a good relationship with customers in order to bring great results. He also discusses how collaboration and partnership played a vital role in growing and sustaining his business.Mostafa's Website: persyo.comDownload Blueprint for Simple Retention Formula: persyo.com/vqLinkedIn: Mostafa Hosseini → Attend Podapalooza: https://www.collaboratorsunite.com/podapalooza Was this episode helpful?Please leave us a review and subscribe to the show to be notified of future episodes.Until next time, keep moving forward!Chuck AndersonInvestor + Marketing ConsultantPS: I would love to hear from you! For a free consultation on how to use podcasts to develop a network of referral partners please contact me at https://www.chuckandersoncoaching.com/contact/