Submitting To God's Providence in Your Life

0 Views· 09/14/23
The Narrated Puritan
The Narrated Puritan
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In Manga

I come now to show what it is to humble ourselves to the law of his-providence.-By the law of providence, I intend, God's sovereign disposal of all the-concernments of men in this world, in the variety, order, and manner-which he pleases, according to the rule and infinite reason of his own goodness, wisdom, righteousness, and truth.--1.- To evince what it is to humble ourselves to this law, some general-observations must be given. And,--1st. There is, and ever was, somewhat, very much, in God's providential administration of the things of this world, and the concernments of the sons of men therein, which the most improved reason of men cannot reach unto, and which is contrary to all that is in us, as merely men--of judgment, affections, or what else soever we are acted by.

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