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Taking the Leap: A Solo Adventure to Costa Rica and Life Transformation
Ever had a moment when you felt compelled to change your life, and you did it by booking a solo trip to a far-off place like Costa Rica? That's exactly what Jana did. Join Jana and me as we take you through this adventurous decision, the unexpected challenges she faced, including the last-minute cancellation of her pre-booked Airbnb villa, and how she turned her fears and doubts into an opportunity for growth. Hear me talk about my life and fears back home, dependence on Jana, and the signs that seemed to hint that this life-altering journey was just what we both needed. We're both about to uncover each other's invisible workload on our own personal journeys 1500 miles away from each other. <br/><br/>What does it take to prepare for a journey that has the potential to transform your life? Together, we guide you through Jana's preparation process, from navigating the logistics of a solo trip, facing the uncertainties, to embracing the unexpected. As her departure draws nearer, we talk about the importance of expressing gratitude, saying heartfelt goodbyes, and taking a leap of faith. <br/><br/>After 17 years of marriage, Jana decides to go. Sometimes its scary traveling to new cities alone. Try going where you don't speak the language and you don't walk. Jana was paralyzed 33 years ago at the age of 15. She has been teaching all people all over the world to overcome mental obstacles since she realized that is the primary path through any physical obstacle. We both know I'm a Gold Medal Husband and she's a Gold Medal Wife (literally). There are things we all need to do on our own and there are things we all need to do with people. Discover how stepping out of your comfort zone can lead to a deeper, more fulfilling life. <br/><br/>I took my journey to the Camino de Santiago one year ago and it was powerful. We look forward to updating you on Jana's when she returns. <br/><br/>What do YOU want to experience in life? How do you want to grow as a person? What is that scary thing that you're not doing right now that you KNOW will help you become who you are meant to be tomorrow? <br/><br/>Are you ready to start Living Lucky?<br/><br/>#JustDoIT #Decide #LeapOfFaith #LivingLucky #Uncertainty #Nomad #CostaRica #AirBnB #SpiritAirlines #Priceline #JFDI #PersonalJourney #BelieveInYourself #GoFindYou #InvisibleWorkload #LettingGo #TrueLove #Faith #JanaShelfer #JasonShelfer #JanaBanana #CaminiDeSantiago #BucketList #GetUpAndGo #YouCanDoIt #WeBelieveInYou #PersonalDevelopment #EliteLifeCoach Thanks for listening. We go LIVE on Facebook every Weekday morning at 6:55 New York time to start our friends off with some smiles, fun, and a positive message before they go to work and we start working with clients or companies. Now that many of them are back to commuting, Podcast is an easier medium and not a big ask. We are happy to oblige.<br/><br/>*** If you would like to add YOU DREAM to the Dream Camper before the next cross-country trip, you can do so HERE *** or at https://www.startlivinglucky.com/sendusyourdreams<br/>SEND US A MESSAGE at www.StartLivingLucky.com any time if you have an area where you are stuck and want us to discuss some ideas around it (without using your name). <br/><br/>The 4 pillars of Living Lucky <br/>Believe in yourself<br/>Believe in the people around you<br/>Believe in your circumstances and <br/>Believe that God is working through you, for you, and always conspiring in your favor. <br/>We have limited 1 on 1 coaching availability. Please take advantage of our free YouTube, FaceBook LIVE, Podcast*, and other channels until a spot opens up. <br/><br/>*Previously Recorded <br/><br/>