Tales from Capulet Fest 2023 with Nowhere Left!

0 Views· 08/15/23
Bacon is My Podcast
Bacon is My Podcast
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In Improv

Jimmy and Mike from Bacon is My Podcast went to this year's Capulet Fest on July 1st and 2nd, 2023 in Thompson, CT to hang in the trenches with performers and concert-goers alike to get to know what their "bacon" was in just 7 simple questions.This episode, they welcome Nowhere Left where they answer the 7 questions of doom, "What's Your Bacon?" in 7 Questions!Check out Nowhere Left on all streaming platforms and on social media @nowhereleftbandGet some more helpings of BIMP at http://www.patreon.com/baconismypodcastFind everything else BIMP:
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