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Talk of the Town with Nick Kosevich & Tommy Begnaud
It is once again the time of year for you to ignore your family, and GATHER (cue genie sprinkles) with LFE instead. Quam & Charles are joined by the always delightful Nick Kosevich & Tommy Begnaud of the magical Mr. Paul's Supper Club, and so much more. The only preview this episode requires is as follows:A) Nick & Tommy brought a damn dolly with FOUR coolers to the recording in an attempt to kill everyone involved and B) Tommy may have gotten lost in Club Carraway trying to find the hidden entryway leading back downstairs, and caused everyone to keel over laughing while describing it after being rescued by Nick. This was chaotic, but in the most charming way possible, which is an apt description of these two gents. Let's ignore our families (or do prep or drive or whatever) together! #libationsforeveryoneSpirit of ChoiceThe hosts and their guest drank:A seven course cocktail & food pairing (SERIOUSLY) with bonus shots intermixedFIND USFacebook | InstagramSubscribe and review wherever podcasts are foundLibations for Everyone!