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The 4 Relationship Attachment Styles
In this episode we talk about the attachment styles. These attachment types are formed in infancy, and can significantly affect our relationships with partners, friends, family, or in any relationship capacity. We break down the 4 attachment styles by sharing the behaviors, patterns, and triggers for each type. We also discuss how we can navigate dealing with the insecurities felt by each type, and how to maintain a healthy relationship with someone who has an insecure attachment style. about this today, and we hope you will join us for our next conversation.Discover Your Attachment Style (Free Quiz): https://www.attachmentproject.....com/attachment-style Attachment Project “Attachment Styles”: https://www.attachmentproject.....com/blog/four-attach What is Attachment Theory?: https://www.attachmentproject.....com/attachment-theor HelpGuide “How Attachment Styles Affect Adult Relationships”: https://www.helpguide.org/arti....cles/relationships-c Body Green’s “7 Expert-Approved Books To Take A Deep Dive Into Attachment Styles”: https://www.mindbodygreen.com/....articles/best-books- Psych2Go “The Four Attachment Styles of Love” Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=23ePqRkOKtgOther Episodes Mentioned in Today's Episode:Impacts of Childhood Trauma & The ACE Study- Episode 61 Intro Music Provided By: Downtown Walk by | e s c p | https://escp-music.bandcamp.comMusic promoted by https://www.free-stock-music.comAttribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0)https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/One Conversation, The Podcast Where We Believe One Conversation Can Change A Life | www.liveviolencefree.org