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THE ABSOLUTE TRUTH: What’s REALLY Going on in Georgia with Trump? - Breanna Morello
Breanna Morello worked her way up in the mainstream media from the most entry-level position to working as a producer at Fox News, Newsmax, and MLB until they required the VAX to continue working for them.<br/><br/><br/>Breanna Morello<br/>TWITTER: https://twitter.com/BreannaMorello<br/>SUBSTACK: https://breannamorello.substack.com/ <br/><br/><br/>TO WATCH ALL FLYOVER CONTENT: theflyoverapp.com<br/><br/><br/>SPONSORS FOR TODAY’S VIDEO<br/>► ReAwaken America- text the word EVENTS to 40509<br/>(Message and data rates may apply. Terms/privacy: 40509-info.com)<br/>► Kirk Elliott PHD - http://FlyoverGold.com <br/>► My Pillow - https://MyPillow.com/Flyover<br/>► Z-Stack - https://flyoverhealth.com <br/>► Dr. Jason Dean (BraveTV) - https://parakiller.com <br/>► Patriot Mobile - www.patriotmobile.com/flyover<br/><br/><br/>Want to help spread the Wake Up • Speak Up • Show Up -<br/>https://shop.flyoverconservatives.com/<br/>-------------------------------------------<br/>Follow our Social Media so we can be best friends<br/>💬Telegram: https://t.me/FlyoverConservatives<br/>🐦Twitter: https://twitter.com/davidmwhited<br/>🏘FB Community: https://www.facebook.com/groups/flyoverconservatives<br/>📱FB Page: https://www.facebook.com/flyoverconservatives<br/>📸Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/flyoverconservatives/<br/>🧑💻Website: https://flyoverconservatives.com<br/>► ALL LINKS: https://sociatap.com/FlyoverConservatives<br/>-------------------------------------------<br/>► Sign Up For Our Newsletter! -https://bit.ly/flyovernewsletter<br/>► Support Flyover Directly - https://www.flyoverconservatives.com/donate<br/>► Get $50 off of Dr. Sherwood’s 13 Week Course to Reset Your Life- <br/>http://DoctorSoGood.com<br/>► Get The TuttleTwins Books Today - http://FlyoverTwins.com<br/>► Get 5% Off Of Dr. Zelenko’s Protocol ZStack at - http://FlyoverHealth.com<br/>► Support a Family Owned, Pro-Life Woman Merch Store<br/>🛍 https://col1972.com/discount/Flyover<br/>-------------------------------------------<br/>Be Blessed!<br/>- The Flyover Team<br/>Business or Media, please contact us at:<br/>info@flyoverconservatives.comCSID: a24ced623a805fbdContent managed by ContentSafe.coSupport the show► ReAwaken America- text the word FLYOVER to 918-851-0102 (Message and data rates may apply. Terms/privacy: 40509-info.com) ► Kirk Elliott PHD - http://FlyoverGold.com ► My Pillow - https://MyPillow.com/Flyover ► ALL LINKS: https://sociatap.com/FlyoverConservatives <br/> <br/> <br/>