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The Benchmark Workout You Do Not Want to Miss!
Today’s episode will be short, sharp and to the point because fitfam tomorrow is our first ever BENCHMARK workout and I want you to know exactly what is in store so that you can get off this podcast and get signed up ASAP!<br/><br/><br/>Benchmark is a 45-minute resistance workout designed to identify your lifting capabilities and deliver a strength baseline to build upon. This workout will be offered the Tuesday of ELEVATE Week 2 so you can see the direct effect of hard work across the Challenge when you re-test at the end of your 8 weeks.<br/>The Benchmark workout tests the following movements:<br/>1. Kettlebell Rack Squat<br/>2. Dumbbell Flat Bench Press<br/>3. Chin Up Overhand Grip<br/>4. Barbell Romanian Deadlift<br/>5. Push Ups<br/>6. Max Butterfly Sit Ups<br/><br/>Members will partner up and work one at a time in a “You Go, I Go” format until both partners have completed 3 sets. Each member will have 3 opportunities to reach 10 reps. You must hit 10 reps in one work set (45 seconds) to record that weight.What are you waiting for? Schedule your class time ASAP!Hit play & subscribe to live a fitter, healthier & happier lifestyle with F45, New Albany.<br/><br/>Hit play & subscribe to live a fitter, healthier & happier lifestyle with F45, New Albany.<br/><br/>Start your F45 journey or try out our studio with a 7-Day Trial CONNECT WITH US: Instagram Facebook