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The Divine Purpose Podcast Ep 40 with Josh Spero
Eddy Dacius host the Divine Purpose Podcast. DPPodcast is a platform for healthy conversations, interviews, and interactions with callers. We all have different opinions; however, the truth is the ultimate mediator. SPECIAL GUEST Joshua B. Spero, Ph.D. (Johns Hopkins University School of Advanced International Studies/2000) and Professor of International Relations at Fitchburg State University in Massachusetts, United States. Before transitioning to academia, He served in the U.S Government from 1988-2000, particularly from 1994-2000, as a senior civilian strategic and scenario planner (Joint Chiefs of Staff, J5 Directorate for Strategic Plans and Policy/European and NATO Division), shaping US-Partnership for Peace (PfP) and NATO-PfP policy, and PfP’s operational and programmatic implementation. For further information, see: https://www.fitchburgstate.edu/academ.... THANK YOU FOR WATCHING! -------------------------------STAY CONNECTED --------------------------- 🎯 SUBSCRIBE TO OUR CHANNEL! Facebook, Instagram & Twitter: @dppodcastlive Main Site: https://dppodcast.com My Podcasts Audio: https://edacius.podbean.com My Podcasts Video: https://www.dppodcast.com/dppodcast/e... ---------------------------------MUSIC-------------------------------------------- Epidemic Sound: https://www.epidemicsound.com/referra... ---------------------------------MY DISCLAIMER---------------------------- DISCLAIMER and Faith Statement at: https://www.dppodcast.com/about