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🎙️ In our latest episode of The Dlequint Podcast, join us as we dive into the fiery world of hip-hop rivalries with a spotlight on the Nicki Minaj vs. Megan Thee Stallion showdown. Our hosts break down the latest in this dynamic rap duel, analyzing the beats, the rhymes, and everything in between. 🤥 Ever wondered how far you'd go to protect a lie? The guys tell us some interesting stories to say the least. The guys also have a debate on which they prefer, BBLS vs. Natural Bodies Also! 🎉 Exciting news! We're thrilled to announce our new sponsors who've joined the Dlequint Podcast family. Their support keeps the conversations flowing and the laughter rolling – a huge shoutout to #motionsbarandgrill & #dubbyenergy for making it happen! FOLLOW @thedlequintpodcast on all social media platforms to stay updated weekly! SHOP FOR THE DLEQUINT PODCAST MERCH HERE! CAST IG : @quonsamp , @que4rmpmr , @pmr_ely , @theuthmusic POWERED BY WHOOP PRODUCTIONS LLC. @whoopproductions