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The History of Games & Competitive Sports in Africa Part2
Join us as we explore a variety of traditional table games from different countries and cultures that promote critical thinking and strategic skills. These games include Siga from the ancient Kemet civilization, Yode from Senegal, Choko from West Africa, Mrabaraba/Mlabalaba from South Africa, Ayo and Fanorona from Madagascar, and Engolo, a courtship ritual played by the Nkambi people of Angola that was later transferred to Brazil and is now known as Cabo Hinda Angola. We will also discover other traditional games such as Sangwe bare-knuckle boxing from Venda initiation schools, Liberian Dambe played by the Hausa, Andumba from Kenya's Luo tribe, camel riding from the Sahel and Sahara regions, donkey racing on Lamu Island in Kenya, and bull-barking rodeo called Savika, Bestilewo, which is a Madagascan rite of passage. Additionally, we will explore games similar to hockey such as El Makcha from Morocco, El Athrati from North Africa, and Kemet stick fighting called Tatin, which was used to train soldiers. Lastly, we will learn about Ukuqwaqwazana from the Ndebele/Nguni tribes, which is now only popular among the Xhosa community, and Gena from Ethiopia, which is typically performed by two villages on Christmas Day with the goal of uniting communities.