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The Importance of Nutrition, Sleep, and Movement with Dr. Mary-Cassie Shaw
Dr. Mary-Cassie Shaw hears a lot of the same questions from parents, and they usually center around food and sleep. So today she answers questions like:
How much sleep should a child be getting really?
When should they start eliminating naps?
What are the first foods that should be introduced?
What should you do if your child is a picky eater?
Let's find out on today's episode.
Dr. Mary-Cassie Shaw, MD, is an Adolescent Medicine specialist at Oberlin Road Pediatrics in Raleigh NC.
Raising Young Children in Wake County is brought to you by Project Enlightenment Foundation, hosted by Dr. Emily King, and produced by Earfluence.Thank you to our sponsors:
K&L Gates
Empire Gives Back Foundation and Empire Eats