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The Innovation and Fore-sight Behind Iconic Golf Brand Glenmuir with Managing Director, Mikhel Ruia #68
Glenmuir’s 130 year legacy stands it in great stead, but Managing Director Mikhel Ruia’s constant innovation and tempered approach keeps them moving ever-forwards.We have the rare opportunity to speak with another business within the same family group as last episode’s Sock Shop; both being part of the Ruia Group and interestingly sharing an evidently effective family ethos…This episode covers:Receiving business mentorship from within your entrepreneurial familyMikhel’s pursuit of breaking the ‘3rd gen, rags-to-riches-to-rags’ tropeGrowing up in a culture of commitment and work ethicThe impressive digitisation that Mikhel has brought to the businessFinding extraordinary improvements in the ordinaryHow to have an awareness and tact when handling tense topics