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The Life & Journey of Billy Carson
Billy Carson is the founder and CEO of 4BiddenKnowledge Inc, the Best Selling Author of The Compendium of the EMERALD TABLETS interpreting the ANCIENT WISDOM for modern day SPIRITUAL AWAKENING and ASCENSION. Mr. Carson is also the founder and CEO of 4Bidden Knowledge T.V., a new CONSCIOUS streaming TV network, and the Co-Host of BIOHACK YOUR BEST LIFE. Come and see Billy LIVE at the Sedona Ascension Retreat 3/17-3/19/23: https://sedonaascensionretreats.com/ ________________ Joan of Angels, known as the Visionary’s visionary, is an Intuitive Guide, Transsformational Coach, Soul Mission Activator, Visionary Artist and Oracle. Find out more, align with your soul purpose and live the life you literally signed up for now, at www.joanofangels.com Subscribe, like and share www.youtube.com/c/JoanofAngels ______________ The Portal to Ascension Conference is returning live and in-person! Join us at the beautiful Marina Village in San Diego, California April 21st – 23rd, 2023. https://ascensionconference.com LIVE in California - April 2023 https://ascensionglastonbury.com for the UK in-person conference - August 2023