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The Scariest Man on Chain (He Will Find You) w/ FDR of Groom Lake + Drosera - Flywheel #67
🎯 In this episode, we dive deep into the world of decentralized finance (DeFi) security with FDR, the founder of Groom Lake, and the brains behind Drosera. An ex-NSA operative turned crypto-protector, FDR is on a mission to secure the volatile, yet burgeoning, crypto landscape.🔥 Why You Can't Miss This Episode:💰 The alarming statistics: Over $80 billion has been lost to hacks and exploits since 2014.🤠 The Wild West of Crypto: How Groom Lake is becoming the "Pinkerton" of Web3.🎯 Tactical Insights: Real-life stories, including how FDR’s team used a psychological operation (psyop) to contain an exploit.🚨 Crisis Response: The importance of having a Crisis Response Plan (CRP) for protocols, straight from a security veteran.🤖 Drosera Revealed: Discover how Drosera, the world's first Decentralized Automated Responder Collective, is set to revolutionize crypto security.~~~~Subscribe to the Flywheel mailing list: https://flywheeldefi.com~~~~Have ETH but don't know what to do with it? Swap it to FrxETH for the highest staking yields in crypto.https://app.frax.finance/frxeth/mint~~~~Want to up your IQ 🧠 Learn about Brain DAO: https://iq.braindao.org/dashboard~~~~Ready to build? Take part in the Frax, Flywheel, & Dorahacks hackathon. Enter today: https://flywheeldefi.com/p/fra....xbuild-hackathon-lau all threadoors, researchers, and dashboard creators 📢 Earn rewards for your original Frax content. Learn more: https://flywheeldefi.com/p/ann....ouncing-the-frax-edu FlywheelTwitter: https://twitter.com/FlywheelDeFiTelegram: https://t.me/FlywheelDeFiYouTube: @flywheeldefiSpotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/34xXNO2...Apple Podcasts: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/....podcast...~~~~Connec Dave: https://twitter.com/defidave22Kiet: https://twitter.com/0xkapital_kSam: https://twitter.com/traders_insight~~~~Not financial or tax advice. This channel is strictly educational and is not investment advice or a solicitation to buy or sell any assets or to make any financial decisions. This video is not tax advice. Talk to your accountant. Do your own research.