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The Secrets We Hold & Share with Lara Plutte
Today we're talking with one of my long time friend's Lara Plutte. Lara and I started this conversation a few weeks ago when she asked me to be a part of KCRW's 24 hr radio race with her. We wrote, produced and recorded a 4 min non-fiction piece around the theme they gave us that day which was "your secret is safe with me" which you'll hear at the end of this episode. <br/><br/>It inspired us to have a deeper conversation around secrets, parenting and how to return to the present moment in challenging times. There are so many great take aways in this episode. <br/><br/>With more than twenty-five years of formal and informal meditation and yoga experience, Lara is now a practicing therapist with a focus on practical tools to care for yourself and others in the present moments of life. It was when Lara became a mom, 18 years ago, that she truly dove into mindfulness meditation to support her deep desire to be present for, accept, even embrace the wild ride of parenting. Lara now combines her experience as a therapist, a teacher, a writer and a mom to support others in the practice of being present. She has a Masters in Social Work and the Arts, is a graduate of the InsightLA Mindfulness Facilitator Training Program and a wife and mom to two teenagers, two cats, two dogs and one dragon. To connect with Lara go to her website www.larapluttetherapy.com and follow her on IG@mindfulmamamondaysTo connect with me, Alana Banana, follow on IG @TheAlanaBananaShow or join the Inspired Grownups Private FB Group. <br/><br/>For The Alana Banana Show kids content subscribe to our Youtube Channel or listen to music online wherever you stream your music. The Alana Banana Show on Apple MusicThe Alana Banana Show on Spotify<br/>