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The Success That Follows Being OBSESSED With Your Goals with Channon Rose
Give yourself the permission to go all in on your goals! This week’s special guest is top YouTuber, author, and real estate investor, Channon Rose! Channon is sharing her truth of how she transformed from porn star to successful entrepreneur.Links + Resources:Connect with Channon on Instagram | @channonroseLearn
The Story of Channon Rose by Channon Rose
The Story Of Channon Rose Part 2 by Channon Rose
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Show Notes:Give yourself the permission to go all in on your goals! This week’s special guest is top YouTuber, author, and real estate investor, Channon Rose! Channon is sharing her truth of how she transformed from porn star to successful entrepreneur. We’ll have a high level conversation about the mindset shifts it took to rediscover her confidence, learn from the failures, and make her big dreams come to life. We’ll explore what it takes to chase after success & make it your own, whether it’s in the form of YouTube, real estate investing, or anything else that lights you up. Find out how to turn your dreams into reality one success at a time!
00:30 Say hello to Channon Rose, a top YouTuber, author, entrepreneur, and real estate investor!02:05 What was your childhood like?04:45 How did you get involved with the porn industry?07:35 How did you get out of the industry?09:10 Transitioning into YouTube.12:15 What has been the hardest thing with your past being so public?14:05 How did you get into real estate investing?17:00 The road to The Glamping Camp.19:30 What is your five year goal?22:00 What is your plan to market and make it your own?24:55 Building a mindset to take action and restore confidence.28:20 How do you give yourself permission to go for it?33:15 How did you know you had to invest in yourself?34:35 What final words do you want to share?