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This is where we find out, the economy and markets at their crucial junctures. Recession or not.
Eurodollar University's Money & Macro Weekly Recap, featuring Steve Van Metre Twitter: https://twitter.com/JeffSnider_AIP<br>https://www.eurodollar.university<br>https://www.marketsinsiderpro.com<br>https://www.PortfolioShield.netRealClearMarkets Essays: https://bit.ly/38tL5a7<br>Epoch Times Columns: https://bit.ly/39ESkRfTHE EPISODES<br>YouTube: https://bit.ly/310yisL<br>Vurbl: https://bit.ly/3rq4dPn<br>Apple: https://apple.co/3czMcWN<br>Deezer: https://bit.ly/3ndoVPE<br>iHeart: https://ihr.fm/31jq7cI<br>TuneIn: http://tun.in/pjT2Z<br>Castro: https://bit.ly/30DMYza<br>Google: https://bit.ly/3e2Z48M<br>Reason: https://bit.ly/3lt5NiH<br>Spotify: https://spoti.fi/3arP8mY<br>Pandora: https://pdora.co/2GQL3Qg<br>Castbox: https://bit.ly/3fJR5xQ<br>Podbean: https://bit.ly/2QpaDgh<br>Stitcher: https://bit.ly/2C1M1GB<br>PlayerFM: https://bit.ly/3piLtjV<br>Podchaser: https://bit.ly/3oFCrwN<br>PocketCast: https://pca.st/encarkdt<br>SoundCloud: https://bit.ly/3l0yFfK<br>ListenNotes: https://bit.ly/38xY7pb<br>AmazonMusic: https://amzn.to/2UpEk2P<br>PodcastAddict: https://bit.ly/2V39Xjr<br>PodcastRepublic:https://bit.ly/3LH8JlV<br>DISCLOSURES<br>Jeffrey Snider (The Promoter) is acting as a promoter for an investment advisory firm, Atlas Financial Advisors, Inc. (AFA). Jeffrey Snider is affiliated with AFA as a promoter only and is not in any way giving investment advice or recommendations on behalf of AFA. The Promoter is being compensated by a fee arrangement: The Promoter will receive compensation on a quarterly basis, based on the increase in account openings that can be reasonably attributed to the Promoter's activity. The Promoter will not be receiving a portion of any advisory fees. The Promoter has an incentive to recommend the Adviser because the Promoter is being compensated. The opinions expressed on this site and in these videos are those solely of Jeffrey Snider and Eurodollar University and do not represent those of AFA.