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Thriving with Human Energy
Our guest Dr. Tomika Greer talks to us about her career transitions from corporate life to the world of academia. In her current position as Professor of Human Resource Development at University of Houston and researcher, Tomika helps train the next generation of Human Resource Professionals. In this episode, you will learn about:How Dr. Greer tapped into sources of joy in her life and the doors that opened for her which included pursuing advanced degrees and a complete career transition.What Dr. Greer learned from her work at Accenture and Corporate America and how that has been useful in her current career.How rewarding it is to be on a college campus and how this fuels personal growth and life purpose.How finding your joy outside of your professional path can spill over into your day to day work life.Key themes to learn more:Read more about Tomika's journey in the book "The People Behind the People: Heroes of the HR World by Kayla Lebovitz.For those interested in exploring a career in academia, consider an adjunct professor role at a community college or guest lecturer at a university to get a taste of the experience.We also touch upon Dr. Greers passion around teaching Zumba classes which is an exercise activity involving dance and music.