Torah Pearls #4 – Vayeira (Genesis 18:1-22:24)

0 Views· 11/07/22
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In The Original Torah Pearls, Vayeira (Genesis 18:1-22:24), the trio sheds light on interpreting the words and actions of “messengers” by comparing the three men who visited Abraham with other examples in scripture. They debate which of the many depravities of Sodom left it covered in salt to this day. With information about Abraham’s place and time, Gordon brings understanding to the more baffling events in this portion—particularly Lot’s approach to hospitality. Other Torah pearls include: the significance of Abraham bargaining with the number ten, Ishmael’s “mocking” of Isaac, and word puns that prove the Creator not only has a keen sense of humor but that he’s willing to work with us.  The trio ends by exploring the “blessing” that Abraham bequeathed to the world—the opportunity to be grafted in. I look forward to reading your comments! Download Torah Pearls Vayeira Transcript Torah Pearls #4 - Vayeira (Genesis 18:1-22:24)You are listening to The Original Torah Pearls with Nehemia Gordon, Keith Johnson, and Jono Vandor. Thank you for supporting Nehemia Gordon's Makor Hebrew Foundation. Learn more at Jono: G’day to everybody listening around the world and thank you for your company. Joining me this hour once again, Nehemia Gordon and Keith Johnson. Now, my friends, if you haven’t got these books already, you really need to get them. Let me just give you the websites once again for Keith’s His Hallowed Name Revealed Again and also the 12-episode DVD series His Hallowed Name is available from The other books, A Prayer to Our Father. This is the one that Keith and Nehemia co authored, A Prayer to Our Father - the Hebrew Origins of the Lord’s Prayer and that website is And of course, Nehemia’s, The Hebrew Yeshua vs The Greek Jesus, and of course, the live DVD teaching, which is available by the same name. Those are available from tr

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