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Transforming body and life on a raw vegan diet with MsFitVegan
in this episode we explore the power of a raw vegan diet and how it transformed Jeanette's life! Jeanette went from being a statistic, to changing her health and life for the better, giving birth to MsFitVegan and now helping others to meet their potential too on this wonderful lifestyle! This episode is brought to you by Dr Morse's Healing herbs, which I am an affiliate of , please feel free to order from my link to support my Podcast https://drmorsesherbalhealthcl....ub.com/liveleanhealt - USE CODE GREENLIFE FOR 5% OFFA special thanks to Namawell, the best cold press juicers on the planet with the revolutionary J2. To get your Nama juicer at a discount, use code CHANTAL10 for 10% off! https://www.namawell.com Check out our Farm in Northern Portugal for events and stays https://www.liveleanhealth.com/events and please also check my services if you wish to work with me. <br /> About JeanetteJeannette is the author of the wildly popular The Raw Vegan Beauty Book, along with many other ground-breaking books and courses in the plant-based, living foods community. She is extremely passionate about sharing her experience and knowledge of a fruit-based raw vegan lifestyle, which she has been following for the past 12 years. Since 2011, Jeannette has naturally healed her cystic acne, chronic fatigue, migraines, IBS, eczema, and depression, lost over 50 lbs, and more! She is one of the most authentic and trusted leaders in the raw vegan movement. Jeannette is also the Director of The Woodstock Fruit Festival, a YouTube sensation (with her viral fruit-tutorial videos), and the host of the popular weekly YouTube LIVE Series, The Ms.FitVegan Show.Jeannette is known for sharing her expertise in selecting, ripening, and all things fruit, which was demonstrated in her latest appearance on Chef AJ Live here.Jeannette is a former Food and Beverage Business Consultant and currently is working towards opening Fruit Is Life, the world's FIRST fast-fruit cafe! She is dedicated to inspiring the world to eat more fruit and providing value through her free resources and courses, her social media platforms, and her YouTube channel, where she posts daily content on fruit, healthy living, goal-achieving strategies, and more!Learn more about what Ms.FitVegan offers here.To connect with Jeannette and join one of her Group Coaching Programs, email the words “I Am Ready” to JD@MsFitVegan.com Freebie forThe Green Life Listeners• Get Ms.FitVegan’s Free Book - “100 Deliciously Fun & Easy Raw Vegan Recipes” - Receive all of her favorite, easy, and delicious raw vegan recipes, including the top 10 reasons to eat more raw food, how to guide, tips and tricks, and more! www.100freerecipes.com • Listen to Ms.FitVegan’s Guided Meditations that you might find helpful:5 Min Guided Healing Meditation