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Tumi, a Podcast Play | Episode 8 | An African Audio Drama
August 17, 2023Mother isn’t MotherTumi, a Podcast Play | Episode 8 | An African Audio Drama <br/>"Tumi, a Podcast Play" is an African audio drama about a mother who almost loses everything. When Tumi returns with her two kids to her parents after her husband neglects them, she suffers from chronic depression and has to fight hard for her life.<br/>In Episode 8, the real estate agent puts Tumi in a very difficult spot, and even though she is encouraged by the Prophetess, she almost commits suicide.<br/>This story was inspired by the real-life experiences of some stay-at-home moms I have met, and I share it to celebrate the brave warriors that they are.<br/>Follow my podcast show, Mother isn't Murder, so you don't miss future episodes. And remember to rate, review and share this podcast show with your friends and loved ones.<br/>Written & Created by Adenike BabalolaDirected & co-created by God the Holy SpiritCast Performed by Adenike Babalola Studio: WardrobeProduced by Spotify for Podcasters & AudacityDistributed by BuzzsproutFirst Episode released on July 25, 2023(2023) All rights reserved.<br/><br/>Support the show