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Turning niche expertise into a $100k newsletter — with Jon Elder of Amazon Insiders
Welcome back to another episode of the Send & Grow podcast. This week, SparkLoop cofounder Louis Nicholls sits down with Jon Elder of Amazon Insiders, a super niche newsletter set to hit $100k in revenue.
Jon is an ex-Top3000 Amazon Seller who grew his Amazon business to over $10M in sales—and then sold for 7 figures. Now he publishes Amazon Insiders — the fastest-growing newsletter for Amazon sellers. In this episode, Louis & Jon discuss…
The key strategies he used to go from 100 to 10k subscribers
How Jon is leveraging his expertise to monetize to $100k
His strategy for hitting his 100k subscriber goal
What makes his newsletter stand out among the competition
...and much more!
Other Links Mentioned
Amazon Insiders newsletter
Jon's Consulting business (Black Label Advisor)
Jon on Twitter
Louis on Twitter