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Type 1 Diabetes Mellitus and its Complications
Complication are major cause of morbidity and mortality in people with diabetes. Type 1 Diabetes Mellitus are at high risk of a acute and chronic complications. The acute complications are Hypoglycemia (low sugar) and Diabetic ketoacidosis (DKA). Hypoglycemia means when the blood glucose falls to below 70mg/dl, which requires to be corrected by oral glucose or Sweets or any available food. Mild and moderated hypoglycaemia can be managed at home, but severe hypoglycemia presents with unconsciousness, abnormal behavior, seizures or rarely paralysis, such cases need Hospitalization. Diabetic Ketoacidosis begins with mild ketosis due to high blood glucose, dehydration, infection etc. It should be checked in urine ( by keto-Diastix ) if fasting glucose is more than 250mg/dl or Postmeal / Random Glucose is > 350 mg/dl or during episode of vomiting, fever abdominal pain or any sick Day. Early correction of Blood glucose by insulin correction of dehydration and antibiotic for infection may prevent hospitalization, which is otherwise mandatory during severe DKA. Chronic complication may appears after many years of duration and can be related to Eyes (Diabetic Retinopathy), Kidney (Diabetic Nephropathy), Nerves (Diabetes Neuropathy), Sexual Dysfunction, Heart (CVD), Brain (Stroke) etc. All these complication are preventable by control of glucose, lipids, blood pressure & healthy lifestyle. Therefore health care providers should counsel and educate people with type 1 diabetes to help them live stress free life with diabetes. Recorded on 23rd June 2023 with Radhika Patrikar, at Akashwani Nagpur.