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UFC 281 Draftkings Pick 6 fantasy lineup, 2 will defend their world titles & 3 will be crowned Champion
UFC is under some scrutiny that may lead to lesser involvement as in sponsorships in the sports betting world. A recent fight is being investigated. by people that nobody would want sniffing around. I will not discuss the matter anylonger as I think its now in the hands of people way above my levels. Hope it turns out to be nothing, but we shall wait and see. I once again have put a team I belive to be solid. The matchups are very even on this card and if a few guys turn back the clock a bit then we could see some big money being made in underdog category for the weekend betting. This is the Full card lineup that I like, but remember hedging gives better chances so maybe pick 2., Look for Fridays episode to break down the Captains lineup that consists of only the main card fights.#UFC281 #ESPNPPV #Sports #Satire