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Unleashing creativity: pancakes, soup and flavour revelations
My guest for this episode is Lauren Woodgate, intuitive copywriting coach and storytelling expert, helping people to uncover the magic of their own words. We chat about about pancakes and pizza, unleashing creativity, unconventional flavours, and those small shifts in perspective that can blow your mind.⭐ SHOW NOTEStheintuitivecook.co.uk/podcast-ep2⭐ CONNECT WITH LAURENLauren's websiteLauren Woodgate on Instagram⭐ CONNECT WITH KATERINAwebsite theintuitivecook.co.ukcommunity Simply Good Food Collectiveinstagram @intuitive.cookyoutube @intuitivecookcontact hello@theintuitivecook.co.uk⭐ DITCH THE RECIPESA FREE 5part mini course with my top tips to get started as an intuitive cook! Sign up here.⭐ YOUR WEEKLY DOSE OF KITCHEN CONFIDENCE A newsletter that helps you unleash your cooking instincts. Sign up here⭐ MEET OTHER CURIOUS HOME COOKS IN OUR COMMUNITYJoin the conversation⭐ Original music by Colin Bass