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VIP AUDIO 7/29 – Alan4L’s ProWres Paradise: “What’s on the Telly?” July edition – The underrated Continental Championship Wrestling and a strangely focused episode of Nitro (134 min.)
SHOW SUMMARY: In our latest episode of Alan4L's ProWres Paradise, PWTorch columnist Alan4L is joined by the host of "Everything," "The Deep Dive," and "The East Coast Cast" here on this very website - the great Rich Fann! In this monthly series, Alan and his guest will each pick an episode of wrestling TV from that week in the past and break it down. This month we go to 1986 and 1997 for two excellent shows from Continental Championship Wrestling and WCW. Paying the Fullers and Armstrongs a visit is always a treat, and CCW delivered with some fun matches, promos, and storytelling - most notably, a shining performance from one Adrian Street. Meanwhile, in the world of Nitro, "Hollywood" Hulk Hogan was away gallivanting on a movie set and the result was a very focused, enjoyable episode of the show. Ric Flair and Queen Debra were both in recruitment mode, The Outsiders were "in Michigan," a new champion was crowned, and much more. It was all good stuff to review this month, so pick up your remote and see What's on the Telly! DIRECT LINK: VIP AUDIO LINK NOT VIP? NO PROBLEM… CLICK HERE FOR VIP SIGN UP INFO