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Wednesday, November 16, 2022
Today on Good Morning Grand Rapids: BB gun found at Muskegon school, student may face charges, new reporting requirements for Michigan firearm deer season, and recent study shows most dangerous intersections in Kent County. Good Morning Grand Rapids Podcast, bringing you a quick news update for the greater Grand Rapids area every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday morning. To stay up to date on the latest news, subscribe to the podcast on your favorite podcast platform and connect with us on Instagram @goodmorninggrandrapids.Interested in being featured in a segment of the Good Morning Grand Rapids Podcast? Apply to be a guest here.Read more:
BB gun found at Muskegon school, student may face charges
New reporting requirements for Michigan firearm deer season
Recent study shows most dangerous intersections in Kent CountyGood Morning Grand Rapids is produced by In Phase Media - learn more about who we are and what we do at inphasemedia.co.