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Weekly Roundup - September 1, 2023
Show off your Lone Star spirit with a free Texas flag hat with an annual subscription to The Texan: https://thetexan.news/subscribe/<br/> <br/>The Texan’s Weekly Roundup brings you the latest news in Texas politics, breaking down the top stories of the week with our team of reporters who give you the facts so you can form your own opinion. Enjoy what you hear? Be sure to subscribe and leave a review! <br/> <br/>This week on The Texan’s Weekly Roundup, the team discusses: Lt. Gov. Dan Patrick appointing a justice to help him preside over Ken Paxton’s impeachment trialA Travis County judge declaring the field preemption bill unconstitutionalThe Office of the Attorney General removing a judge’s block on Texas’ child gender modification banHouse District 29 Rep. Ed Thompson not running for re-election in 2024The steps Texas has taken in its three-year fight against the ESG movement sweeping the investing worldThe Texas State Historical Association striking a balance between members on its boardThe ERCOT power grid’s slew of conservation requests amid the Texas heat spellKaty ISD announcing changes to how it will handle students’ “preferred pronouns” and bathroom useThe 5th Circuit Court of Appeals siding with Texas against the Nuclear Regulatory CommissionA rare earth mineral mining company leasing land from the State of Texas being sued by its investorsSchool districts suing the Texas Education Agency over its plan to “refresh” its district rating systemAnd, we give insight into our new podcast series, Inside the Impeachment: Paxton on Trial<br/>