What Does the Bible Say About Our Example?

0 Views· 07/02/23
What Does The Bible Say?
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In this episode, Arnie and Fred discuss our example that everyone sees as we live our lives. We look at what does the Bible say about this. We begin by noting what Paul said to the Christians in Corinth. Of particular interest, is the fact that they formerly had been worshippers of idols. He has a long discussion with them on the issue of eating meat that was offered to the pagan deities and whether there was a problem in doing so. We next note the effects the examples of others have on individuals. Sometimes good, sometimes bad. We then focus in on how my example may affect other people, even my mate. Take a little over 30-minutes to follow our discussion. Have your Bible handy so you can verify what we are saying. There is a transcript of this Buzzsprout episode for your convenience.

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