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What Happens After We Take Our Last Breath?! Find Out What Happens After We Die with Famous Medium Heather Mattison!
On this episode of Talking With The Source, the guys are joined by famous medium, Heather Mattison! Heather Mattison, who has appeared on shows like kindred spirits Nick Ross, death Walker, and Jason Hawes most terrifying joins us to speak about what happens after we pass away!?Join us, for the spell, bonding ride, a fascinating information from the eyes of a medium who speaks with her spiritual guides and other entities to find out what happens after we pass from this earth!Heather also goes into the history of our existence and spiritual beings and at the end she even hits on John and AJ‘s spirit guides names which they have been told through countless spirit communication sessions and by other mediums! it was truly fascinating and you’re not going to want to miss it!Heather owns Greystone Manor which is a haunted. Victorian mansion that she rents out for Airbnb.and for paranormal investigators and enthusiasts to come and have a true paranormal experience!! Book your stay now by going to www.GraeystoneManor.comand don’t forget to visit Talking With The Sources Official Website now for all links and morehttps://linktr.ee/talkingwiththesource