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What Is Silent Divorce & How A Couple Overcome It? with Jessie Williams
In this episode, I got through the 3 core phases of what we are calling silent divorce. An experience in relationships when two partners become deeply disconnected with a voice of resentment and bitterness between the two of them. Where every attempt to repair leaves them feeling more broken and unseen. I explain the signs, and more importantly WHY it's happening and how you can start to make moves to get out of this experience.Instagram: @jessembodiedRetreat Happening This September: www.liveyourlegacy.live1:1 or 2:1 Coaching Application: https://www.jotform.com/tables..../212518578450055?st= to Sonic Springs Festival in Pasley Ontario to experience one of my most EPIC Polarity Partner Workshops!: https://www.sonicspringsfestival.com/