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When Hearing God Becomes Second Nature to You | Episode 11 | Me, You, the Holy Spirit | Read My Book with Me | September 12, 2022
September 3, 2023Mother isn't MurderSeason 5, Episode 11: When Hearing God Becomes Second Nature to You | Episode 11 | Me, You, the Holy Spirit | Read My Book with Me | September 12, 202200:00 - 00:36 Podcast Intro00:37 - 07:58 Book Reading07:59 - 19:15 Daily Entry Discussion19:16 - 20:05 Prayer20:06 - 21:45 ClosingA major experience of hearing God as second nature to me was giving this episode its title. Usually, I start recording my podcast episodes without knowing what I’m going to say. I just get my book, sit down in my wardrobe, and speak. The words come to me NATURALLY.The same thing applies to the episode titles. For this one, the phrase “second nature” slipped into my mind even without me knowing it. I wasn’t even sure of the meaning, and so God led me to Google the meaning of second nature.That’s how it feels to be able to hear God naturally. Your life becomes so ordered and directed that you’re not fully conscious of it. Instructions are given to you by the second, and you just find yourself doing things even without pausing to wonder or ask questions.And the best part of it is, at this stage, you rarely doubt that God is the one speaking to you. Because you’ve become so familiar with how he speaks to you that you just obey naturally. That’s what it feels like when hearing God becomes second nature to you.Listen to this episode with an authentic heart, and discover how you can become so accustomed to hearing God’s voice. Enjoy your listening!If you'd like to own your copy of my book, Me, You, the Holy Spirit, visit this link to read instantly on Amazon Kindle here:https://www.amazon.com/gp/aw/d/B0BR2HXDZY/ref=tmm_kin_swatch_0?ie=UTF8&qid=&sr=For only $9.99, you can learn how God can speak to you. Read it anywhere, anytime - on your mobile device and without having to wait for it to be delivered.And if you'd love the paperback, use this link:https://www.amazon.com/Me-You-....Holy-Spirit-Guidance can also download it now for only $7.99/NGN3,595.5 on Selar.co here:https://kibhomeschool.selar.co..../holyspiritmemoir?cu your free sample of Me, You, the Holy Spirit here:https://kibhomeschool.selar.co/freesample For the past 2 (two) years, I have spent my early mornings and late nights, on days of plenty and nights of nothing, creating seasons and episodes of Mother isn't Murder. If the experiences and messages you've listened to on this podcast show have made your life better in even the tiniest way, please consider keeping this show alive with your one-time or monthly donation: https://www.buzzsprout.com/1832398/support. Your support means everything. If you're tired of praying to God because you're not getting any answers, send your prayer requests to adenike@kibhomeschool.com. I'd be glad to join you in seeking God's face. {17 YEARS FROM NOW - 2040 - Mother isn't Murder has 21,793,452 monthly listeners. And over 100 million downloads monthly.}Share this episode with your loved ones: https://www.buzzsprout.com/1832398/13517541-when-hearing-god-becomes-second-nature-to-you-episode-11-me-you-the-holy-spirit-read-my-book-with-me-september-12-2022.mp3?download=true<br/><br/>Support the show