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When your family doesn't support your business...do this!
This is a tough one but you've got this leader. In this week's episode, we will discuss navigating difficult conversations with family about business and what to do when your family doesn't support your business. This is almost certain to happen within your first year of business and in this episode, you will learn the mindset and strategies that will help you seamlessly navigate it.UPCOMING TRAINING:If you want to go deeper into the strategy of business and learning the EXACT roadmap to setting your business up for optimal sales, growth and consistency - sign up for my upcoming Roadmap Training taking place on August 19, 2023 at 10:30 AM CST. Use this link to sign-up: https://www.sheledfirst.com/book-onlineFEELIN SOCIAL? LET'S CONNECT!https://www.instagram.com/shel....edfirst/https://www. IS MY LOVE LANGUAGE:Don't forget to leave me a rating or review. It means the world!