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Where To Get The Money Now: Finding Private Money To Fund Your Real Estate Deals With Jay Conner
If you’re investing actively in real estate,you should be thinking about how to get access to private money. Funding yourdeals with money from your own line of credit is great, but what if your banksuddenly decides they can’t give you that anymore? This was what happened with Jay Conner sometime in hisjourney as a real estate investor. Since then, Jay has been preoccupied withfinding creative ways to get money from private individuals. Now, most of hisdeals are funded with private money, and he’s also a private lender himself. Heis also the President of the Private Money Authority, where shares hissecrets and strategies to recruiting and raising private money. In this episode, he breaks down what private money really means,how it differs from hard money, and the three main ways you can get privatemoney to fund your deals. Tune in and learn how to get funded now!