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Whisper in the Wings Episode 218
Join us on the latest Whisper in the Wings from Stage Whisper, as we welcome the first show form the Neurodivergent New Play Series. We sat down with the director, Maggie Dunn, and playwright, Andy Boyd, to talk about their fantastic show, The Flight Patterns of Migratory Birds. Be sure to tune in to this wonderful chat, and then get your tickets for this even better show!Piccione Arts PresentsThe Flight Patterns of Migratory BirdsPart of the Neurodivergent New Play SeriesSeptember 17th at 2pm@ The Vino Theater in Brooklyn, New YorkTickets and more information are available at sourgrapesproductions.comAnd be sure to follow the show and our guests to stay up to date on all their upcoming projects and productions:@flightpatternsreading@maggiedunnandyjboyd.com