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WRYD - Neighbour Wars: Brews & Clues to Tame the Nosy! Naughty Neighbour APA
Naughty Neighbor American-Style Pale Ale: A Mischievous Burst of Flavour! 🍻Prepare for a wild What R You Drinking? ride as Raquel dives into the captivating world of Naughty Neighbour, the notorious brew by Nickelbrook Brewing Company straight out of Burlington, Ontario. Join Raquel as she explores the incredible reputation of this American-Style Pale Ale, which stirred up a commotion at the LCBO!Discover the secrets behind Naughty Neighbour's mischievous spirit and the magic that lies within its lively citrus and pine notes. Even if you're not a die-hard pale ale fan, this brew's flavour explosion will win you over from the very first sip. Don't miss out on the craft beer magic this APA has to offer and its contribution to the awesome Canadian beer culture.Cheers to a smile-inducing adventure in every can!" 🌟🍺Show Notes:· Booze Buddy:www.boozebuddy.ca/products/nickel-brook-naughty-neighbour-american-pale-ale-473-ml-can· Nickel Brook Brewing: www.nickelbrook.com/product/Naughty-Neighbour/871· Drinkrunnr:https://drinkrunnr.com/products/nickel-brook-naughty-neighbour-american-pale-ale· Chawanac: http://chawanac.com/ajax/print_07.html· Matthew Whitney’s Portfolio – Pinterest: www.pinterest.ca/pin/527484175081894511/· Beer Pal: https://beerpal.com/beer/nicke....l-brook-naughty-neig