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You Either See Things Through a Critical Lens, Or a Creative One
In this episode, I talk about how our perspective changes based on our critical mind (lens) versus our creative mind (lens), what our critical mind tells us and what our creative mind knows, understanding our imperfections, getting rid of limited belief systems and more!Follow me on Instagram @mattgottesmanJump on my weekly texts for the soul here 480-530-7352My writing mattgottesman.substack.com
FREE Reverse Engineer Your Life (Clarity Crash Course): Time, Energy, Money, Creativity, Work, Rest & Play - https://mattgottesman.com/reverse-engineer-your-life
Other Related Episodes:The Genius Thing to Do is Both the Most Obvious & the Least ExploredApple: https://apple.co/45LjiyjSpotify: https://spoti.fi/483V9oX
Books featured in this episode:1. The Pivot Year by Brianna Wiest