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You’ve Been Lied To About Not Getting Paid For Doing What You Love
In this episode, I talk about the fact that we’ve been told we can’t earn a living from doing what we love and that’s untrue, how you can be paid for doing work you love, you can earn with your mind and not your time, you can be free just by being yourself, you can trust a different path for yourself and more!Follow me on Instagram @mattgottesmanJump on my weekly texts for the soul here 480-530-7352My writing mattgottesman.substack.com
FREE Reverse Engineer Your Life (Clarity Crash Course): Time, Energy, Money, Creativity, Work, Rest & Play - https://mattgottesman.com/reverse-engineer-your-life
Other Related Episodes:Creativity, Authenticity & Entrepreneurship: The Modern RenaissanceApple: https://apple.co/3XdgeYLSpotify: https://spoti.fi/3Xc4Axy
Books featured in this episode:1. The Artist’s Way by Julia Cameron2. The Almanack of Naval Ravikant