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Your LinkedIn Profile
Today I have the Linkedin specialist Karen Tisdel back!<br/><br/>If you're feeling frustrated with your LinkedIn profile, spending hours crafting the perfect summary and posting daily updates but still not getting any traction in your network then you are not alone! <br/><br/>Many business professionals struggle with optimizing their LinkedIn profile, even though it's a crucial part of building their personal brand and expanding their career and business opportunities. <br/><br/>Don't let the fear of not knowing where to start hold you back. <br/><br/>With the right guidance and strategy, your LinkedIn profile into a powerful tool that attracts the right connections and opens doors to new opportunities.In this episode Karen and I discuss:The key components of a successful LinkedIn profile Designing an irresistible headline that captivates your target audience.How to create a relatable and engaging 'about' section suited to your specific audience.Effective techniques for emphasizing your past accomplishments and strengths.How to use the featured section as a tool to highlight significant content.An early adopter of LinkedIn, Karen Tisdell recognised the platform’s potential when working as a recruiter. Foreseeing the importance of how business leaders are perceived online, Karen began her LinkedIn profile writing business in 2009. A decade on she is ranked as one of the top 8 independent LinkedIn trainers across Asia Pacific and has been recognised by LinkedIn as a ‘Top Voice’ for having produced some of the most popular and helpful content. <br/><br/>A guest writer for various publications, Karen facilitates LinkedIn sales training for some of the biggest companies in Australia – all while writing profiles for individuals who want to grow their small businesses. <br/><br/>Connect with Karen:<br/>https://www.linkedin.com/in/karentisdell/DOWNLOAD MY CONTENT PLANNER<br/><br/>Instagram @bec_chappell<br/>LinkedIn – Bec Chappell <br/>If you're ready to work together, I'm ready to work with you and your team.<br/><br/>How to work with me:<br/>1. Marketing foundations and strategy consultation <br/>2. Marketing Coaching/ Whispering for you a marketing leader or your team who you want to develop into marketing leaders<br/>3. Book me as a speaker or advisor for your organisation<br/>4. Get me on your podcast<br/><br/>This podcast has been produced and edited by Snappystreet Creative