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Your Relationship with Yourself
We often forget to nurture the most important relationship we have - the one with ourselves. Focusing on self-care, self-awareness, and self-compassion is crucial for our overall happiness and emotional well-being. While we tend to prioritize our relationships with others, it's essential to realize that the quality of these connections is directly impacted by our relationship with ourselves. Strong bonds with others are only possible if we're attentive to our thoughts, feelings, and needs. Maintaining a healthy relationship with oneself, as it's a significant factor in our growth and development. Everything from our thoughts about our lives, ourselves, and our past and future affects this relationship. Our self-story is within our control, and we can decide to think about ourselves and our circumstances in empowering ways.Connect with me here:Drop me a comment or question: Instagram | TristavguertinFacebookwww.tristaguertin.com<br/>Schedule a private one hour coaching session with me:https://tristaguertincoachingsession.as.me/Please Rate, Review & Subscribe on Apple PodcastsIf you haven't already done so, follow the podcast so you don't miss an episode.Follow now!