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🎧 What NOT to do when raising money from investors, importance of going all-in & scrappy entrepreneurship stories w/ Gytenis Galkis (Superhero Capital) Ep.94
Gytenis Galkis is an investor at Superhero Capital and 70V and serial entrepreneur from Lithuania. He has founded several companies and has invested in more than 50 early stage companies and has actively helped them grow into valuable businesses. He is also one of the founders of the Lithuanian Business Angels Network.In this episode we talk about:Gytenis’ first business start and bustScrappy entrepreneurship storiesMeasuring the success of a ventureGoing all-in in businessGetting shit doneMaking ordinary life betterCapital efficiency<br/>Reach out to Gytenis:Linkedin - https://www.linkedin.com/in/gytenis/Email - gytenis@superherocapital.com<br/><br/><br/>=====<br/><br/>The support for this episode comes from Gegidze.com - they build remote tech and marketing teams for leading European companies in Georgia and the region.Find developers in just a few weeks instead of searching for months!It’s fast, it’s smooth, it’s cost efficient. They take care of all the paperwork, provide office space and other ancillary services. Go check them out at Gegidze.comAnd don’t forget to mention that you heard about them from us using the promo code Pursuit50 for 50% off the recruitment fee!===Find other episodes on > https://www.pursuitofscrappiness.co/ Watch select full-length episodes on our YouTube channel > https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCP6ueaLnjS-CQfrMCm2EoTA ===Connect with us on Linkedin > https://www.linkedin.com/company/pursuit-of-scrappiness/ Questions/suggestions? Join our Telegram group > https://t.me/pursuitofscrappiness