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062 Leadership Lessons From The Early Shows
In this episode we look back at the start of the podcast and present an anthology of leadership lessons from the first four guests: Raj Kapoor, Katarin Dyer, Rishad Tobaccowala and Dave Edelman.They talk about how they formed their own leadership style, what makes a great leader and how to build and run successful teams.KEY TAKEAWAYS[00:53] - Rewinding the best of episodes focusing on leadership traits [01:01] - Raj Kapoor, former Chief Strategy Officer at Lyft, shares how his leadership style has evolved throughout his career.[03:04] - Raj shares how failure helped him learn to step out of his ego for the greater good and more success. [07:08] - How Raj learned to reinvent himself as a leader, becoming a coach instead of a driver.[08:15] - Raj’s top tips for becoming a more impactful leader.[10:09] - Kathy Dyer shares the two biggest leadership lessons she learned while working with CARE.[12:12] - Kathy shares an interesting story of how a team member depicted her leadership style using a boat analogy.[13:47] - Kathy shares why she believes multidimensional leaders are more effective. [14:58] - The mistake Kathy has seen other leaders make when working with teams.[17:13] - Kathy shares her top three leadership tips and why letting things go for better outcomes is vital. [20:00] - Why it’s important to open ourselves up to new ideas in order to find the ‘better way’ to do things in this day and age. [20:23] - Introducing Rishad Tobaccowala, one of the leading thinkers in the world of marketing and advertising. [21:13] - Rishad shares the five characteristics of a good leader.[23:57] - Rishad describes the characteristics of the bad bosses: the narcissist, the micromanaging fiddler, the Oscar contender, and the double-crossing assassin.[25:44] - Why good teams are like winning sports teams. [26:43] - How Rishad creates a culture of safety and freedom for his teams. [27:29] - How to empower any team.[30:31] - Dave Edelman shares the two things that helped him advance into his leadership role.[33:10] - Dave shares how his role at Digitas pushed him to engage with a broader scope of talent on a higher level. [36:43] - Dave shares why asking questions is the key to creating a more cohesive team.[39:47] - Dave shares what he looks for in a good leader.[41:32] - A good leader must be both in the moment and two steps ahead of the curve at all times. Contact Dino at: dino@al4ep.comWebsites:al4ep.comAuthentic Leadership For Everyday People / Dino CattaneoDino on LinkedIn: linkedin.com/in/dinocattaneoPodcast Instagram – @al4edp Podcast Twitter –