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#1 Daily Habit to Transform Your Life & How to Set Intentions That Actually Work
Today, I’m going to share with you my interview with Vishen Lakhiani of the Mindvalley Podcast. It’s a very insightful conversation because we talk about my life as a monk & why refining your intentions for the day can help you improve your life.I also talk about spirituality and how you can help someone to bring them in a transformational journey. Forcing someone to change their beliefs will be difficult especially if it’s already what they’ve believed for a long time, but with patience you can surely succeed.Key Takeaways:00:00 Intro02:32 Refining your intentions everyday08:40 Creating in depth11:55 Removing an identity attached to your ego13:10 Jay’s tattoos14:49 Spirituality is not separate from life17:08 Meditation is an important part of the cloud18:29 Relationships20:37 Starting a spiritual learning23:53 Those who love peace need to learn to organize themselves26:52 Bringing someone else into a transformational journey32:29 What’s next?Like this show? Please leave us a review here - even one sentence helps! Post a screenshot of you listening on Instagram & tag us so we can thank you personally!Do you want to meditate daily with me? Go to go.calm.com/onpurpose to get 40% off a Calm Premium Membership. Experience the Daily Jay. Only on Calm Want to be a Jay Shetty Certified Life Coach? Get the Digital Guide and Workbook from Jay Shetty https://jayshettypurpose.com/f....b-getting-started-as