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#138 | Recognizing and Defeating Your Anxiety
Anxiety is something that everyone experiences from time to time, but for some people, it can become pervasive and excessive. If the problem started and ended with a single worry, it might not be such a big deal. But some people get bogged down as one worry leads to another and another. Today we talk about anxiety – its difference from fear, how to recognize when you’re experiencing it, and how you can overcome it.<br/><br/>Here’s the list of episodes related to today’s discussion, and we highly recommend listening to them as well:<br/>#66 | The Power of Choice - https://apple.co/3TjyA6N<br/>#75 | When Intuition Tells You Otherwise - https://apple.co/3uHaIBh<br/><br/>_________________<br/>Connect with Emilia, Bianca & the EVOLVE VENTURES Community:Website: www.evolveventurestech.com@EvolveVentures on Instagram@EvolveVenturesTech on Facebook (Public Page)Evolve Ventures Society (Private Facebook Group)@EvolvewithEmilia on Instagram / @Evolvewith Emilia on TikTok@EvolvewithBianca on InstagramConnect with Emilia & Bianca from Evolve Ventures for FREE<br/>Show notes:<br/>[2:52] Episode disclosure<br/>[4:58] Anxiety vs. fear<br/>[9:18] Emilia’s real-life experience of anxiety and fear<br/>[20:04] How can you recognize anxiety?<br/>[23:45] How can you overcome anxiety?<br/>[27:18] Go talk to somebody<br/>[31:58] Final takeaways and episode suggestions<br/>[33:44] Outro<br/><br/>***Leave them a 5-star review if you felt their energy, became inspired, or felt as though value was added to your life in your EVOLUTION.<br/><br/>(Stay tuned for next Thursday's Episode!)